2015 Itinerary

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Last Night I Played Scrabble

Last night, 4/22/2011, I played Scramble with my 14 year old, Camille. She won with a score of 238 to my 208. My time with her reminded me of this inspirational thought I wrote. When I found it, i discovered it was nearly 4 years to the date that it was written. WOW!! So in honor of last night's came and the 4 year anniversary of this peice, I give you "Last Night I Played Scrabble." Enjoy!

Last Night I Played Scrabble
By Roline Thomas

Last Night I played Scrabble with my youngest daughter Camille. I was working on a project and noticed, once again, she was in her room, alone watching television. Her sister, had gone out with her friends...Camille having no neighborhood friends was alone.

So I went to her and said, "Want to play a game of Scrabble and watch a horror movie with me?" She and I both love horror movies. We criticize everything they do. She was excited about spending time with me.

We enjoyed our board game, and we enjoyed telling the actors what to do by yelling at the TV. Last night, it was just the two of us, sprawled out in my bedroom, playing Scrabble and watching a movie on TV.

I tried to let her win the game, but I won anyway. Camille said in her mind she believed that she won the game. I laughed! Last night, I played Scrabble with Camille.

Now, I'm behind with my studies. I have a Marriage Couples group to teach tonight and a Marriage Conference at another church that my husband and I will be speaking in tomorrow. I should have been studying, but last night I played Scrabble with Camille.

It was worth it, because she told me "I know you love me because you stopped what you were doing just to spend time with me." I'm glad I played Scrabble with Camille last night.

Camille taught me a lesson:
Don't get so caught up and preoccupied with finishing projects, meeting deadlines, ministry, etc. that you fail to see an opportunity to spend meaningful time with your kids. They are kids only once in their lifetime. We give kids many tangible gifts, but what they really want and need most is a balance of quality and quantity time with us.

Sometimes I think out loud. Right now is one of those days. I wanted others to hear what I was thinking because to God I am so very grateful for speaking to me and reminding me not to let the opportunity pass me by. I am feeling a sense of fulfillment, peace and joy all because last night I played Scrabble with Camille.

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