I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.—Romans 12:1
I enjoyed watching the 80”s sitcom, “The Cosby Show.” My all time favorite episode is “With This Ring.” In this episode, the patriarch of the family, Dr. Cliff Huxtable, was just told by his daughter that the boyfriend she just brought home was really her fiancĂ©. He was disappointed in the way the news was broken. Dr. Huxtable goes to great lengths to describe a mouth-watering steak dinner with the trimmings. He raises the thought, “and I give it to you on a garbage can lid……not to appetizing is it?” This analogy brings home the reason why the fiancĂ© is not readily liked by the family. Dr. Huxtable concludes, “It’s in the presentation, that’s the way she brought you here, on a garbage can lid.”
Presenting your bodies a living sacrifice is placing our own selves on the altar. God desires that we give ourselves completely to Him so that we can be used by Him. Worship is about our lifestyle. The way we live each day is our presentation to God. The way we speak to others, the way we help or don’t help others, the way we give is all a presentation to God. Everything we do must be done for the glory of God.
God is not impressed with fancy prayers, acrobatic singing, or eloquent speaking. He’s not moved by your shouting, tongue speaking, or your saying “glory to God” within each statement you make. God wants you totally. He wants you mind, body and soul. God said, “Be holy for I am holy.” Our lifestyle and inward man must measure up to our outward expressions of worship. To give God anything less than the best is to give God a presentation that is unattractive and disgusting. Remember, it’s all in the presentation. Are you bringing yourself to God on a garbage can lid?
Be blessed,