August 6-7, 201
Dallas, TX
You don't want to miss Pajama Praise 2010! What is it all about...? Fun, Fellowship,Pampering, Praise & Worsip,The Word, and... Oh' well you just have to be there, I just can't explain it!
Keynote Speaker - Minister Roline Thomas

Take a look at some of these topics...Real Talk:
Right Now, I'm into me. - The Dangers of being a lukewarm Christian.
· This is my Church home so why do I feel homeless?
· Wilderness Mentality
· Why Am I Here? Complacency
· Don't Take It Personal - Keeping Your Emotions in Check while serving God
· Are We in Church? Or is this a Fortune 500 Corporation?
· Finances - Chasing that Paper! Be Careful Not to Sell Your Soul!
Can't You See I'm Hurting!!!!! - Help me, I can't hold on much longer!
· The Mask - Different Styles and Sizes (Hiding Behind the Pain)
· How could God allow this to happen to me.
· Don't Pray for Me, I need an answer NOW!!!!
Strongholds, Giants Do Die. - Satan's Fortress (Barriers) Can Be Torn Down
· Letting Go of the Past - Guilt/Burdens/Wrong Choices-Decisions/Carrying Baggage(and you're not even traveling, but you are tripping, going nowhere) FAST!
For more info email WEW, Inc.