In John 8:1-11, we find the story of the woman caught in adultery. She was used as a pawn in the religious leaders, who hated Jesus, attempt to discredit Jesus’ ministry.
The nameless woman was caught in the very act of adultery. While Jesus was teaching to a large crowd in the temple, a group of men, scribes and Pharisees, pushed their way through the crowd and sat the woman in the midst of the people. The men did not desire to bring justice upon this woman, but to accuse Jesus. Their plan failed, and Jesus extended grace and mercy to the woman.
Here’s the irony; the enemies of Jesus were the ones who brought the woman to where she needed to be. This woman needed to be in the presence of the One who could deliver her. She needed to be in the presence of the One who could heal her. She needed to be in the presence of the One who could save her. It was the haters who carried the woman to where she needed to be!
Jesus said, “Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you”. If it wasn’t for your enemies, maybe you would not have turned to God. If it wasn’t for opposition, maybe you wouldn’t pray to God. Your enemies have a way of running you to God. Enemies have a way of pushing you towards God.
God makes our enemies our footstool (Psalm 110:1). Footstools helps us to reach high places. Footstools helps us to obtain things that were out of our reach. Footstools takes us up. Footstools are under our feet! Footstools are useful. Enemies are useful!
It was the enemies that got the woman off her back and placed her on her feet. It was the enemies who pushed the woman through the crowd to the Blessor. The enemies were up to no good by pretending to do good, but ended up doing a good deed for this woman. The woman who felt worthless discovered her worth. The woman who felt guilty is now counted as not guilty.
Don’t hate your haters. They are working for your good. Instead of hating them, send them a thank you card appreciating their effortless work of getting you closer to God.

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