Saturday, November 12, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Writing a Ministry Bio
Please send your bio? This is usually one of the first requests that will be asked of you when a church or organization invites you to speak at their function. A biography is a summarization of your accomplishments and some personal information into a couple short sentences or even a few paragraphs.
Bio writing is challenging. It forces you to prioritize what’s most important about you. It’s an intimidating task to reduce information about “the wonderful you” into a brief clear and concise writing.
Here are a few tips about writing bios:
1. Read other biographies for inspiration of what to do and what not to do.
2. Gather a list of facts about yourself in chronological order. These facts should be related to your purpose. Include your hometown & current location, current church & pastor, spouse’s name, number of children, education and certifications.
3. Write a list of specific qualities about yourself. Ask yourself which qualities make you interesting.
4. List the person's accomplishments. Tie these accomplishments in with your ministry work.
5. Review your list of qualities and accomplishments. Choose the ones that describe you best and represents your ties to ministry.
6. Resist the urge to impress. Humility goes a long way! Just give the facts
Bio writing is challenging. It forces you to prioritize what’s most important about you. It’s an intimidating task to reduce information about “the wonderful you” into a brief clear and concise writing.
Here are a few tips about writing bios:
1. Read other biographies for inspiration of what to do and what not to do.
2. Gather a list of facts about yourself in chronological order. These facts should be related to your purpose. Include your hometown & current location, current church & pastor, spouse’s name, number of children, education and certifications.
3. Write a list of specific qualities about yourself. Ask yourself which qualities make you interesting.
4. List the person's accomplishments. Tie these accomplishments in with your ministry work.
5. Review your list of qualities and accomplishments. Choose the ones that describe you best and represents your ties to ministry.
6. Resist the urge to impress. Humility goes a long way! Just give the facts
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Quote of the Day
It's one thing to hear about God and another thing to experience Him for yourself. - Anita Hampton
Friday, July 29, 2011
Quote of the Day
Stay FOCUSED! In regards to distractions, our friend Anita Hampton said, "Don't answer everything that's calling you."
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Quote of the Day
If you believe you won’t be able to excel or prosper as a person, ministry, church, or business without a “particular individual or entity”, you have placed more faith in that party than God. Thusly, the person or entity has become your God. Jesus said, “apart from me (not your pastor, spouse, child, boss, church, etc.) you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Quote of the Day
Love is essential to life itself. Choose to love the easy targets and those who act unlovable. After all, God loves you when it's easy and when you act unlovable. ~Roline Thomas
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16
Monday, July 4, 2011
Today, I have had the best 4th of July ever! We didn't BBQ. No family came over. We didn't get an invite to other celebrations and gatherings. This year we volunteered to serve with The Impact Zone (TIZ) Ministry for their first ever "FREEDOM FEAST." Partnering with the Salvation Army, TIZ served grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, Roline's baked beans, chips, and punch to the homeless. So many people came through the doors looking for a meal.
There was a man who recognized one of the volunteers and myself. He's a former inmate at one of the prisons we minister to. I was sadden to see him in this place. It really shows the need for better re-entry programs for ex-offenders. This man had payed his debt to society, yet with few options available to him and others who are released from prison, it's no wonder why they end up going back to jail.
Here are a few pics:
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Quote of the Day
Leaders have used the word visitation when describing an encounter with God’s presence, whether it was on a corporate basis, or an individual basis. The Lord desire is not a VISITATION; rather, He seeks a HABITATION.
~ A Heart Ablaze, John Bevere
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Quote of the Day
As I prepare to go to my second rehab session for a recent knee surgery, I realize there's a life's lesson in the making. I am not looking forward to the session because the previous sessions left my knees and legs feeling very stiff and sore. In the session, I had to push my knee against weights of resistance. This strategy is for the purpose of strengthening the knee. When adversity come our way and "go against" us, those very things can be used to strengthen our faith in God and draw us closer to God. So here's my LIFE LESSON & the quote of the day:
You may have to GO THROUGH discomfort and pain TO GET TO your healing & blessings. It may not feel good, but it’s all working for your goodReal talk - not looking forward to today’s rehab session. LOL!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Daddy Date Night
Fathers--Every now and then take your daughter on a date. Show them how a man should treat them. You will teach them not to accept degrading, disrespectful, and demeaning actions from a man. Here's Earnest and daughter leaving for a "Father's Day" date.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Quote of the Day
An important ingredient to ministering...allow yourself to be ministered by the Word, songs, testimonies you bring forth. What you share is not only for "their" deliverance, but also for "your" deliverance.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Youth Conference 2011
As with each year, St. Mark's Youth Conference was a huge success. As Pastor Nate prayed for, God "Blew Our minds." Here's Pastor Earnest Thomas teaching the adult class "Flip your Outcome - Turning Obstacles into Opportunities" on June 11, 2011.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Quote of the Day
If you have LIMITED VISION, God can only use you in a LIMITED WAY. ~Earnest & Roline
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Playing in Every Key - Practice is the key.
1) Practice your scales every day, every key.
2) Try learning songs that are in other keys AND practice the songs you know in other keys.
Long time ago,I took the song "Thank You Lord" and begin playing it in every key. I did the same with "It Is Well", and also modulated up so I'll have that skill conquered too. Now I am not intimidated by songs that are in the Key of E or A, although they are not my most comfortable keys to play in.
Be blessed!
Earnest and Roline
1) Practice your scales every day, every key.
2) Try learning songs that are in other keys AND practice the songs you know in other keys.
Long time ago,I took the song "Thank You Lord" and begin playing it in every key. I did the same with "It Is Well", and also modulated up so I'll have that skill conquered too. Now I am not intimidated by songs that are in the Key of E or A, although they are not my most comfortable keys to play in.
Be blessed!
Earnest and Roline
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Quote of the Day
To combat gossip remember this - Carnal questions deserve spiritual answers - that'll shut them up! ` Earnest and Roline
Monday, June 6, 2011
T.I.Z presents: "Through the Storm"
Fri. June 17 & Sat. June 18, 2011
@ True Praise & Worship Ministries
located @ 4321 E. Broadway NLR, AR
A great line-up of speakers and ministers that have been confirmed for this weekend and we hope your making room to be there as well. Here part of the line-up (in no particular order):Pastor D.K. Hammonds, PASTOR EARNEST THOMES, Pastor J. Adkins, MIN. ROLINE THOMAS, Alindria Carroll, Tiora Davis, Danete Brooks, Anthony Hampton,In His Presence, Tamekia Sims, & a host of others. Somebody's life is destined to be changed through this powerful weekend of Praise, Worship & Word!
Fri. June 17 & Sat. June 18, 2011
@ True Praise & Worship Ministries
located @ 4321 E. Broadway NLR, AR
A great line-up of speakers and ministers that have been confirmed for this weekend and we hope your making room to be there as well. Here part of the line-up (in no particular order):Pastor D.K. Hammonds, PASTOR EARNEST THOMES, Pastor J. Adkins, MIN. ROLINE THOMAS, Alindria Carroll, Tiora Davis, Danete Brooks, Anthony Hampton,In His Presence, Tamekia Sims, & a host of others. Somebody's life is destined to be changed through this powerful weekend of Praise, Worship & Word!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Quote of the Day
Haters are INTIMIDATED by your ANOINTING. If you have NO HATERS, you have NO ANOITNING. Don't hate your haters---they keep you in close contact with the Lord! ~Roline Thomas
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Thoughts from Pastor T's Wife: Creating Balance Between Home and Ministry
Creating Balance Between Home and Ministry: " A women's primary role is to her home. The home is a great task alone. However, many women today are called to the ministry. Whether it is teaching, preaching, ministering music, etc., many women are called to areas within the ministry that requires much preparation. There is an old saying, "There aren't enough hours in a day!" God knew what he was doing when he gave man 24 hours per day and created our bodies to rest at least 8 hours of that day. That means we have 16 hours of wake hours. If you daily feel overwhelmed, not rested, and stressed by all the assignments you have taken on, then perhaps you are doing more than what God has intended for you to do..." To read more click on the link above
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Quote of the Day
Humility does not imply that we are to have an inferior view of ourselves, but a healthy one. ~Ted Engstrom
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Do You Have a Business Card?
I GOT IT!! Took a while but I finally got it!!
My husband has been getting on me about ordering business cards for our ministry. After speaking recently at an event I finally understood why I needed business cards. It seems like every time I speak, someone invites me to speak at their event and/or asks for a business card. Whomever assists me would scramble in search for a piece of paper to scribble the number onto. HOW UNPROFESSIONAL!!! I can't believe I waited this long to get a card.
It was really easy ordering the cards. I went to Office Depot's website and was able to design a card and place an order. I paid about $25 for 200 business cards. It took 3 business days for me to receive them. Whether a Senior Pastor or associate minister, every person in ministry should have business cards. It's more professional to issue a card, than to scribble on a piece of paper. The recipient is more likely to keep and locate your business card verses a torn paper.
Here's my card with the phone numbers scratched out in a very unprofessional manner (LOL!):
My husband has been getting on me about ordering business cards for our ministry. After speaking recently at an event I finally understood why I needed business cards. It seems like every time I speak, someone invites me to speak at their event and/or asks for a business card. Whomever assists me would scramble in search for a piece of paper to scribble the number onto. HOW UNPROFESSIONAL!!! I can't believe I waited this long to get a card.
It was really easy ordering the cards. I went to Office Depot's website and was able to design a card and place an order. I paid about $25 for 200 business cards. It took 3 business days for me to receive them. Whether a Senior Pastor or associate minister, every person in ministry should have business cards. It's more professional to issue a card, than to scribble on a piece of paper. The recipient is more likely to keep and locate your business card verses a torn paper.
Here's my card with the phone numbers scratched out in a very unprofessional manner (LOL!):
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Blessed in A Hot Mess
Minister Roline Thomas delivered the word on Sunday, April 10, 2011, to the congregants of St. Mark Baptist Church, Little Rock, AR during the 8 am worship service. Preaching from Daniel 3:13-30 with the topic "Blessed in a Hot Mess", MinisterT encouraged listeners not to run from the fire. Within the fire (hot mess) you will find a blessing. Points were as follows:
I. Before you Go to the Furnace - REMAIN FEARLESS
II. On the Way to the Furnace - Don’t RUN away from the FIRE
III. While Your In the Furnace - Find RELIEF in the FLAMES
IV. When You Come Out of the Furnace - REJOICE in the FAITHFULNESS of God!
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Roline preaching 4/10/2011 |
I. Before you Go to the Furnace - REMAIN FEARLESS
II. On the Way to the Furnace - Don’t RUN away from the FIRE
III. While Your In the Furnace - Find RELIEF in the FLAMES
IV. When You Come Out of the Furnace - REJOICE in the FAITHFULNESS of God!
A Special Menu for Couples and Special Meals
WOW! Today I found this menu the girls and I prepared. I believe it was for last year's Father's Day. I thought I share it with you, for it is a great idea for a romantic dinner or even a surprise dinner.
My girls were involved with the planning and preparation of the food, as well as the printing of the menu. it was a wonderful time of bonding with my girls. Big Daddy was pretty happy about it too. Try it for your loved one, or special friends. Let them have the menu as a keepsake.
BTW, we printed our menu on heavy card stock paper.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Resurrection Day

Stale Potato Chips
A few days ago I opened a bag of potato chips. At first bite, I discovered the chips were stale. I then noticed that the freshness date had expired 2 months ago. I am so glad the Jesus’ blood has no expiration date. The same blood that saved us 2000 years ago is still able to save today. The same blood that cleansed 2000 years ago is able to cleanse today. The blood of Jesus will never lose it’s power.
Happy Resurrection Day!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Last Night I Played Scrabble
Last night, 4/22/2011, I played Scramble with my 14 year old, Camille. She won with a score of 238 to my 208. My time with her reminded me of this inspirational thought I wrote. When I found it, i discovered it was nearly 4 years to the date that it was written. WOW!! So in honor of last night's came and the 4 year anniversary of this peice, I give you "Last Night I Played Scrabble." Enjoy!
Last Night I Played Scrabble
By Roline Thomas
Last Night I played Scrabble with my youngest daughter Camille. I was working on a project and noticed, once again, she was in her room, alone watching television. Her sister, had gone out with her friends...Camille having no neighborhood friends was alone.
So I went to her and said, "Want to play a game of Scrabble and watch a horror movie with me?" She and I both love horror movies. We criticize everything they do. She was excited about spending time with me.
I tried to let her win the game, but I won anyway. Camille said in her mind she believed that she won the game. I laughed! Last night, I played Scrabble with Camille.
Now, I'm behind with my studies. I have a Marriage Couples group to teach tonight and a Marriage Conference at another church that my husband and I will be speaking in tomorrow. I should have been studying, but last night I played Scrabble with Camille.
It was worth it, because she told me "I know you love me because you stopped what you were doing just to spend time with me." I'm glad I played Scrabble with Camille last night.
Camille taught me a lesson:
Don't get so caught up and preoccupied with finishing projects, meeting deadlines, ministry, etc. that you fail to see an opportunity to spend meaningful time with your kids. They are kids only once in their lifetime. We give kids many tangible gifts, but what they really want and need most is a balance of quality and quantity time with us.
Sometimes I think out loud. Right now is one of those days. I wanted others to hear what I was thinking because to God I am so very grateful for speaking to me and reminding me not to let the opportunity pass me by. I am feeling a sense of fulfillment, peace and joy all because last night I played Scrabble with Camille.
Last Night I Played Scrabble
By Roline Thomas

So I went to her and said, "Want to play a game of Scrabble and watch a horror movie with me?" She and I both love horror movies. We criticize everything they do. She was excited about spending time with me.
We enjoyed our board game, and we enjoyed telling the actors what to do by yelling at the TV. Last night, it was just the two of us, sprawled out in my bedroom, playing Scrabble and watching a movie on TV.
I tried to let her win the game, but I won anyway. Camille said in her mind she believed that she won the game. I laughed! Last night, I played Scrabble with Camille.
Now, I'm behind with my studies. I have a Marriage Couples group to teach tonight and a Marriage Conference at another church that my husband and I will be speaking in tomorrow. I should have been studying, but last night I played Scrabble with Camille.
It was worth it, because she told me "I know you love me because you stopped what you were doing just to spend time with me." I'm glad I played Scrabble with Camille last night.
Camille taught me a lesson:
Don't get so caught up and preoccupied with finishing projects, meeting deadlines, ministry, etc. that you fail to see an opportunity to spend meaningful time with your kids. They are kids only once in their lifetime. We give kids many tangible gifts, but what they really want and need most is a balance of quality and quantity time with us.
Sometimes I think out loud. Right now is one of those days. I wanted others to hear what I was thinking because to God I am so very grateful for speaking to me and reminding me not to let the opportunity pass me by. I am feeling a sense of fulfillment, peace and joy all because last night I played Scrabble with Camille.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Roline Speaks to Silhouettes of Kappa Alpha Psi
March 26, 2011 Roline Spoke to the wives and widows of the Kappas During their Southwesten District Meeting in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Topic was "Selah Time" taken from Psalm 46. The women were encouraged to "Rest, Relax & Reflect" in the Lord!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Preach Pastor T!
Pastor Thomas preaching today at the New Creation BC Men's Conference. Sermon title, "Avoiding a Bad Haircut", Judges 16:18-22. Powerful word. To order a cd contact New Creation BC at 501-758-3588
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
We had an eventful and exciting weekend. Friday we attended a special service for the leadership of our church. A guest speaker ministered a prophetic word encouraging us to 1) not abandon the ship as we seek a Senior Pastor 2) not be easily swayed by "entertaining" pastors. He admonished us to not to make emotional decisions concerning new leadership.
Saturday, our Soul Care Ministry hosted an Empowerment Workshop (flyer below). We offered great classes that dealt with Life's Struggles. Earnest and Roline both taught classes, in the workshop. Earnest dealt with Depression and Roline gave instruction on Forgiveness.
Saturday, our Soul Care Ministry hosted an Empowerment Workshop (flyer below). We offered great classes that dealt with Life's Struggles. Earnest and Roline both taught classes, in the workshop. Earnest dealt with Depression and Roline gave instruction on Forgiveness.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
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