So much has happened since my
last entry. This illness is trying to get the best of me!
Feeling Blah but still have something to smile about! |
Monday I had injections to
help with the pain from my bulging disc and muscle spasms. I haven’t had spasms
since, however I am still sore and stiff from the injections. This pain should
be leaving soon.
Last Thursday, I started
having severe pains in my left ribs just below my breast. This is the fourth
time I’ve experienced pain in this area, however never has it been this
excruciating! The pain mimicked that of a heart attack. I didn’t panic, and
pretty much took it like a big girl! By Saturday I was contemplating going to
the hospital because it became too difficult and painful to get out of the bed.
Sunday, I went to Sunday School but not worship services. That was about all I
could do. I noticed Sunday afternoon that I had excessive swelling in the area
of the pain.
A good friend who happens to
be a physician told me what to do to help with the inflammation. Because she is
a cardiologist and asked several rule out questions, I was relieved that she
too didn’t believe my heart was the problem.
After some research, I pretty much knew what the problem was, but was
going to wait until my Monday doctor’s visit. After an examination, the doctor
diagnosed me with having Coostochondritis. A description from the Mayo Clinic:
Costochondritis (kos-toe-kon-DRY-tis) is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the breastbone (sternum). Costochondritis is sometimes known as chest wall pain, costosternal syndrome or costosternal chondrodynia. Sometimes, swelling accompanies the pain (Tietze syndrome).
- Costochondritis usually has no apparent cause. Treatment focuses on easing your pain while you wait for the condition to improve on its own, which can take several weeks or longer. Costochondritis usually goes away on its own, although it might last for several weeks or longer. Treatment focuses on pain relief.
Although there is no real
cause for Costochondritis, it can be brought on by a tumor or sarcoidosis, both
of which I have. Neurosarcoidosis is no joke! Just another thing to give
to the Lord. I’ve pretty much have been in the bed since Thursday. Today I am
attempting to cook my family a home cooked meal.
It is well with my soul! God be glorified!