2015 Itinerary

Friday, February 6, 2015

It Ain't Over

It’s been several days  since I have written. I have been super busy with this healing process. The good news is I am getting better! YAY ME! I’m still somewhat weak and in recovery, but, under the therapist suggestions, I am acclimating myself back to normal. I have done things like cook, do laundry, and even went to Wal-Mart. Yes I had to ride the handi-mobile, but I did it while singing “Bad to the Bone” and “Born to Be Wild!” Don’t judge me!

What’s huge for me is the fact that I can walk and have movement in my toes! I use the walker when I am home alone or when I go out in public. There is a risk of me falling. But when someone is home, I walk without assistance. THANK YOU LORD!
Hair loss is even greater than before. I have a huge balding area at the top front of my head. This is a good excuse to buy more scarves, hats, & wigs. Currently I have a wig on to see how long I can have it on my head and if it will agitate my incision area.

It has taken me this long to share my diagnosis with you because yesterday, I finally got the concentration, and courage to read up on my illness. I was diagnosed with Granulomatous Disease or Neurosarcoidosis which is a rare disease that affects the central nervous system and /or cranial nerves. The disease is the reason behind the loss of muscle function to the left side of my face.  I must be treated for this disease. Some of the tumor is still taking residence on my brain. I will find out on Feb. 20th what method of treatment will be taken. So this journey is not quite over. But, through it all, IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL!!! To God Be The Glory!

Me & Cat. Crooked Face, Crooked Tongue. LOL!
Yesterday, Cat came home in between her classes just to spend time with me. My ladybaby has been such a help and  blessing to me.  We took a few selfies and I discovered, if you have a crooked face, sticking your tongue out is going to be crooked too. LOL! TUMOR HUMOR!!


  1. Stay encouraged! You are doing so well and you are so brave! Proud of your ability to keep a smile on your face during this trial!!! God surely has His hand on you!!!

  2. To God be the glory!!
